Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Flavors: Vegan Birthday Cakes Through the Years

One of the reasons my family and I love the Fall is because it signals the start of one of our family's parade of birthdays.  It starts in late September with my Mother-In-Law, continues into October with my late Grandmother's and My Son's and ends just in time for Thanksgiving with my Oldest Daughter's and my November Birthdays.  So in celebration of those celebrations, this MOFO post will be a review of vegan birthday cakes through the years. 
First up is Sean's Ice Cream Cake with Oreo Cookie Crust from last year.  The recipe is on Dreena Burton's blog and is as delicious as it is easy.  Basically Oreo sandwich cookies are cut in half and used to line a Spring Form Pan.  Softened Ice Cream is layered above it with smashed cookie crumbs for the layer between your ice cream.  The whole meshuggana(sp?) gets frozen until firm and decorated when released from its spring form cast.  Yum!

Next up the Fabulous Raspberry Blackout Cake from Vegan With A Vegeneance by Isa Chandra Moskowitz.  This has been a default birthday cake for years in my house.  How can you go wrong with Chocolate, Chocolate Ganache, Rasberry Fruit Spread and Fresh Raspberries?  I mean really?

This year throwing tradition to the wind; the birthday boy went with Pumpkin Pie.  This is the Pumpkin Pie with Glazed Pecans from The Voluptuous Vegan and a pretty sexy little number it is.  This will also be showing up around Thanksgiving so it was nice to have another practice run with this recipe.

And lastly because I hate to leave anyone out the fun...The Gluten Free version.  The Gluten Free Rice Krispie Treats and Chocolate Gluten Freedom Cupcakes (from Vegan Cupcakes Takeover the World by Isa and Terry Hope Romero) are happy to drop on by as well.

So if you are having as dreary a day as I am--come on lets just build the ark already, jeesh!--here's hoping a little of my shared celebrations can cheer you up.  They sure are helping my mood!

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