Monday, April 19, 2010

Recap of Day 1 or Zooey Investigates the Tomatillas

When last we spoke it was the first night of our 40 day pledge to eat dinner together around an actual table in a room without a tv or computer monitor.  This pledge was made in conjunction with the UUA's 40:40:40 campaign to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day.   The menu was chosen, the meal time was set, so how did we do?

Well obstacle number one was the table itself. My oldest daughter had just arrived home from a youth retreat and either didn't connect eating at the table with needing a table to eat at or... well suffice it to say the table was covered with her purse, a tambourine, her pillows and a sleeping bag. She had left the house for work so Mom was left to return the table to an eating surface again. Obstacle two: The two youngest kids were at a play date until 6 which left dinner time to coincide with the start of a women's professional soccer game. Between that and a fire in the woodstove I had some doubt whether Dad would be joining us. But a fire lasts a few hours and the wonder of the DVR allows for the pausing of the game and the turning off of the monitor until dinner was over. So at least three of us were able to sit and eat dinner together. My son who had agreed to learn food facts was a hold out. My oldest was working until eight and so ate when she came home (at the table).

The meal: Posole is a an amazingly flavorful and hearty latin stew that tastes amazing but doesn't look so pretty. So instead I give you my newly neutered kitty investigating one of the primary ingredients . As mentioned yesterday the recipe comes from Terry Hope Romero's Viva Vegan which is a must if you love latin cuisine and are trying to eat less meat (or completely vegan). Homemmade tortillas are a revelation. Way more tasty and tender textured than the premade ones from the store. The challenge for me with my still less than mobile finger was to roll out the dough in a circular shape with a rolling pin. No one seemed to mind the paramecium shaped flat breads and I now want a tortilla press in the worst way.

So I would call day one a success.

 Next up  My Grandmother's String Bean Soup with a Mixed Green Salad and  Biscuits.  Dinner is served at 7pm.  See you there.

Sean's food fact of the day:  My son has decided to research Blueberries.  His first new fact is that blueberries were orignally cultivated in Germany and The Netherlands.  So next time you enjoy a muffin, pancake or smoothy thank the German and Dutch farmers who first grew this flavorful fruit.

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